Monday, September 30, 2019

First Graders,

We had an exciting week last week with the book fair AND the sorting hat in PE!!! What an exciting time of year as we get ready for fall activities, including the Hogwartz Holiday party!! I can't wait to see you learn Quidditch in the coming weeks and learn about team spirit and sportsmanship!!






Big Hugs,
Mrs. Schwan

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Hello First Graders!

We had our first substitute teacher on Monday and we did a GREAT job!! You earned a certificate from Mrs. Strauss for great behavior and some play time reward from me the next day!! Great job team!!!




What has been your favorite activity during Fun Friday (or earned play time)?!

Big Hugs,
Mrs. Schwan

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Hello First Graders!

We've had a wonderful first two days of school, getting to know one another and how things work in first grade! We've had PE and art, some great fun on the playground, a scavenger hunt though the school and so much more!!! My favorite thing so far was when you all sang me happy birthday today! What was your favorite thing we've one so far?! Can't wait for all that's to come!

Big Hugs,
Mrs. Schwan